Monday, November 30, 2009

Vouge Nippon

This hair editorial is more than amazing.
I would wear toned down versions foshaw..






Monday, September 7, 2009

banana bread

i like the idea of sewing a different material over the pocket on your jeans. fucking clever teenagers.  

school age

listen to this song

put this one on lay-by


i want these so freaking bad! A slipper that you could wear on all occasions. hopefully Siren does a nice wee copy.

you'd probs lose this

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Prizes for those that name the films.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Snappity snap

Its pretty fucked that Polaroids are basically a dead art form.

They are cool. The film will just continue to get more and more expenny. Dayum.

Thanks Google images.

Some words of advice.

I know you.

Young dumb and full of cum.

Tobacco and Leather

Good blog.

found these pics. which are amazing.

Ten Magazine - photography by Wendy Bevan - blog - Tobacco and leather.




Friday, May 22, 2009


Whilst I was trying to do my essay on comparisons of post- colonialism and feminism within the scope of two novels, in a mere 2000 words I came across this jewelry designer. And cummed. basically, not really, maybe in brain only. 

Oh my flippin heck these baby's are beautiful. 

Not only is the designer, Delfina Delettrez, only nineteen but she is the heir of Fendi. 
Holla child, you have money and creative genius. Bitch. 

You're looking at spending anywhere from EU 400 - 8572875235874 or something, for these pieces. I think I'd quite happily sell my soul for the black nailed ring though. If only someone wanted to buy it???

Blog wars? Pussies personified?

Can we please have a face to face fight please guys?
All of you would lose. Hipsters vs crack heads. No one. You all skinny as. I'd prob whoop all your asses.
You would all melt into a puddle of witchy shit.

(Oh hold on, You're better than that... because you are battling with wit!!!! I geddit mumma! i geddit!!!!)

Grow up. 

Stop hating over the Tasman sea. Or the desert road.
Hipster factions are bordella. Blah blah blah. Interesting to read yes. 
But are you hurting peoples feelings? I think Kelvin and Bri Bri are a bit hurt. And I like them.
I am not taking either side, by the way.
At least i don't work for a law firm in Parnell is all I can say. 
Or being 17 again.
that would fucking.suck. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

steal this stole

pretty awesome alternative to a fur stole
got this picture from

I am on minimum wage. I have been on minimum wage since i was 14 cept for a stint last year when i was on fifteen bucks. I was living a lush life on that wage i tell you what. 
Features of being on minimum wage include; using the company phone to make "business calls", thinking about what you could steal/borrow from work so you don't have to buy it, thinking about ways you can supplement your income and a growing resentment of your dick head boss combined with a general careless, carefree attitude. 
Things you can buy with one hours wage include; six cans of coke, shampoo but not the conditioner, half a top up card (vodafone), rental of six DVDs if you can scab a buck oh and sweet fuck all. 
One day i'm going to be some shits boss but i will be really nice to them and give them gifts so they feel too guilty to steal from me and obliged to work really hard. 

Saturday, May 9, 2009

i say tomahtoe you say mutahtoe

This is a siamese tomato. Bob found it at Moore Willy.